How to achieve your dreams (8 actionable steps)

Come on! Set off to a dream life full of choices.

Commit to living your life the way you want.

Why would anyone stop you?

No one has this right because you are the owner of your life.

This is an unconventional guide to show you how to turn your dreams into reality with easy-to-understand and real-life examples.

Make a list of your dreams and write down the reasons why you cannot achieve them.

I assure you that most of the reasons will be imaginary and will not even exist.

But remember! The bigger the dreams, the longer and harder the path to reach them. 

Think for a moment, if this path were so simple and straightforward, then every person in the world would be a successful person. 

Then what would success mean?

Doesn’t this seem a little strange?

That’s why nature has placed this process of filtration in the way of making dreams come true.

So everyone dreams, but not everyone reaches them.

Can I ask:

  1. Who are those who reach their dreams?
  2.  How do they reach their dreams?

Lets see who they are and what steps they follow.

8 Steps-How to achieve your dreams

1. Make your dreams your goals

What do you really want to achieve?

First, ask yourself a question:

Are you where you are today by your own will or by the will of your circumstances?

Sometimes we are so surrounded by such situations that we cannot do anything of our own choice.

But still, we can try, right?

You never reach if you stop going. You certainly lose when you stop trying.

A huge elephant was tied with a small rope, and a small baby elephant was tied with a large rope. When someone asked its owner why this is so, He said, ”This is a baby elephant who tries to break the rope to become free. Even this big elephant, when he was a child, also tried very hard. Now that it can break the rope, it no longer tries. Because he has conditioned his mind in a way that I cannot break. I’m sure it won’t go anywhere now.”

Be careful! 

Has our life not become conditioned for some reason? 

Haven’t our surroundings conditioned us?

Haven’t our situations conditioned us?

Haven’t our life experiences conditioned us?

Haven’t Nay-sayers conditioned us?

If your thinking is bound in such a chain, it has to be broken.

I think you are now ready to take action.

Start identifying your goals:

To start identifying your goals, take a moment to think about;

What is it I want to accomplish?

What type of life do I want to live?

  1. Are you looking to build a successful career?
  2. Do you want to travel the world?
  3. Do you want to make a difference in the lives of others?

Once you have identified the areas in which you would like to excel, it’s time to start setting specific goals.

Start setting specific goals:

Make sure your goals are realistic and measurable. This will help you stay on track and measure your progress.

You can choose your own goal to process further, but here we will explain the following example throughout the guide.

Example: If your goal is to lose weight,

Follow this rule to get more specific.

Your goal should include three things: 1. Target value, 2. Starting point, 3. Ending point

Rather than saying, “I want to lose weight”. Follow the rule to get more specific and say, “I want to lose 15 pounds in 6 months starting next month.”

Follow this rule, set your goal, and move forward.

Remember two things;

  1. Your goals should be flexible. If not suitable, they can be changed as needed.
  2. It is important to assess your goals periodically to make sure that they still align with your values and ambitions.

Identifying your goals is the first step in achieving success and reaching your desired destination in life.

2. Break down your goal into smaller, more manageable goals

Breaking down your goal is a way to make sure that you stay on track.

Begin by writing down your goal.

Now, break down the goal into smaller, manageable chunks.

This will help you determine the steps you need to take on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis in order to reach your goal. Then you need to set deadlines for each task.


If your goal is to lose 15 pounds in six months,

You will break it down as follows:

  • Working out three days a week for the next month
  • Setting a calorie goal for each day
  • Tracking your food intake and drinking more water 

And then, at the end of each day, you will track your progress towards your ultimate destination.

You will see what you needed to do and what you did.

By breaking down the larger goal into smaller, more achievable goals, it is much easier to stay motivated and on track.

3. Develop a plan of action

Now, it is time to create a plan of action. 

Start by identifying the resources you need to complete the tasks.

This could include books, courses, tools, or anything else you need along the way. Make sure that you have access to these resources before you begin.

Make your own action plan for your dream. We are making our example plan.


The action plan for achieving the goal of losing 15 pounds in 6 months includes:

  1. Eating a balanced and nutritious diet
  2. Exercising at least 3-4 times a week, focusing on strength training and aerobic exercise
  3. Drinking at least 8 glasses of water per day
  4. Being mindful of my portion sizes and eating smaller meals more frequently throughout the day
  5. Planning ahead and prepping meals in advance
  6. Getting adequate rest and sleep each night

By following these steps and writing down your plan, you will be well on your way to achieving your dream.

4. Believe in yourself and have faith that you can achieve your dreams

We all have goals in life, whether big or small, that seem unattainable. 

It’s easy to get frustrated and overwhelmed with daily life and all the obstacles that come our way.

Always keep one thing in mind!

We have the power to shape our own future.

But how?


We can’t control our future; our habits control our future. We can change our habits anywhere, anytime.

Our habits depend on our actions, and our actions depend on our thoughts. By changing our thoughts, we can change our habits and hence, our future.

It means every single step in the right direction brings us closer to our destination and vice versa.

The first step to staying positive is to believe in yourself.

If you don’t believe in yourself and your potential, it’s easy to give up when the going gets tough. 

  • Remind yourself of your strengths
  • Focus on what you can do rather than what you can’t
  • Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

The second step to staying positive is having faith. 

Faith is the belief that something good will happen, even if it seems impossible. Having faith that you can achieve your goals will help you stay motivated when things get tough. 

  • Try to focus on the end goal
  • Visualize all the rewards you will reap when you get there
  • Visualize the success you want and have faith that you will get there

Staying positive, believing in yourself and having faith that you can achieve your goals are simultaneous steps towards success. 

5. Dedicate time each day to working towards your dream

Ask yourself these questions:

Does your dream deserve your time?

Are you following the path of your dreams?

Are you giving your dreams as much time as they need on a daily basis?

Doing something and thinking about doing something are two different things. 

If you keep thinking, you will not be able to do anything. Thus, the problem of overthinking will start to develop.

Think a little, analyze it, put it into practice and then think about the next step.

Making time to work towards your goal is one of the most important steps in achieving it. It doesn’t matter if it’s just 10 minutes a day or an hour; you need to set aside a specific time to focus on your goal.

Start deciding how much time you can realistically dedicate each day and stick to it. Setting a schedule will help you stay focused and motivated.

Removing distractions is another key component of making time.

Turn off your phone and any other electronic devices that can distract you from your focus.

If you find yourself easily distracted, find a quiet place to work or put on some music to keep you motivated.

Don’t procrastinate and put off taking action. Taking action immediately is necessary.

So, make the commitment to dedicate time each day to working towards your goal and you will be one step closer to achieving it.

6. Track your progress and adjust your plan as needed

It is important to monitor your progress and make adjustments as needed in order to ensure that you are achieving your dreams and goals.

If you are working on an established plan, you can track your progress. 

You can track your daily, weekly, or monthly progress. 

This is possible only when you have written goals in your hand.

Then you will see what you should have done and what you have done today.

If you find that you are not making progress or are having difficulty reaching your goals, it is important to adjust your plan accordingly. This could mean taking a different approach, or it could mean making small changes to your plan.

So, take the time to monitor your progress.

7. Celebrate each success, no matter how small

The act of celebrating successes can have a positive impact on our motivation and morale.

It reinforces the idea that we can achieve our goals and provides us with a much needed boost of confidence.

Celebrating successes can also make us more resilient in the face of failure.

It reminds us that although we may not be successful every time, we can still take pride in the small successes we have achieved.

Take some time to think about and appreciate the process of getting to where you are. 

Don’t just look at the end result but also appreciate the journey and all the small milestones that got you there.

Recognize and appreciate the small victories along the way, as they can provide us with the motivation and confidence to keep going.

The way you choose to celebrate your successes is up to you. It can be as simple as taking a moment to reflect on the accomplishment and feeling proud of yourself. You could also share your success with friends, family, or colleagues. 

If you’re feeling particularly motivated, you could even treat yourself to something special.

So, no matter how small the success may be, take the time to celebrate it.

8. Persevere when things get tough and never give up

Remember, it takes effort to go up, but not to go down. So of course, you have to work hard to reach your dreams in life. 

Travelers to great destinations are not afraid of difficulties.

You have two options:

  1. Don’t choose the life of your dreams. Live a simple and ordinary life. No special effort is required to do this.
  2. Dream big and then turn those dreams into reality. Live your dream life full of choices. It requires some extra effort. Then you have to be ready to face difficulties and smile.

When you chase your dreams, you may face different situations.

When life gets tough and we face a seemingly impossible situation, it is easy to feel like giving up. 

When the going gets tough, the tough get going—this is the motto that everyone should live by.

Difficulties in the path of dreams are a process of filtration by which ordinary and weak people are removed from the way. Only courageous and strong people go ahead and achieve their dreams.

No matter what anyone says, don’t let yourself give up. 

Life throws a lot of curveballs at us. Never give up.

Remember! Failure is part of the process and it is a natural part of life.

Can you ever understand light without the help of darkness?

Can you ever understand shadows without the help of sunshine?

Can you ever understand profit without the help of loss?

Everyone experiences failure. Use failure as an opportunity to grow and become a better person. When faced with a difficult situation, take a step back and look at the big picture.

Never give up on your dreams. Life is full of ups and downs and it is important to stay focused and keep going.


The journey to achieving your dreams can be a long and arduous one. It takes dedication, hard work, and a lot of self-belief. Throughout this article, I have outlined several steps that I have taken to reach my goals.

Firstly, I have set myself realistic goals that are achievable. This means that I have broken down my larger dreams into smaller, more manageable goals that I can work on. This has allowed me to stay focused on the task at hand and make progress.

Additionally, I have set reminders for myself to keep me motivated and to review my progress regularly. It also means that I have set aside some time to relax and reflect, as well as to celebrate my successes.

Finally, I have also realized that it is important to stay positive and believe in yourself. This means that I have allowed myself to believe that I can achieve my goals, and that I have the power to make my dreams a reality.

Follow the process and see your dreams approaching you!
