How to be a confident speaker ( in 4-actionable-steps)

Do you have the courage to learn from your mistakes? If not, develop it.

“Only the Knights fall on the battlefield; why would a child, who walks on his knees, fall?”

We are going to discuss our four-step formula for how to be a confident speaker. That will cover everything you want to know. But first, let’s clarify some important things.

To become a confident speaker,

Do you think you will win everyone’s heart the first time?

Do you think you will become everyone’s ideal the first time?

Do you think everyone will accept everything you say?

Yes, you can do it, but not the first time.

Think for a moment: What would the learning process be like if there were no mistakes in the world?”

Confidence is a major factor when it comes to public speaking, and it can be difficult to master.

It takes practice and perseverance to become a confident public speaker, but with dedication and a positive attitude, it is possible to be what you want to be.

Want to know How to be a confident speaker?…Let’s answer!

How to be a confident speaker: Four practical steps

Now we will discuss these actionable steps one-by-one in detail.

Step 1: Identify Your Fears

First of all, you have to identify your fears. Scan yourself inside and out.

Remember! Fear is a normal and necessary emotion that can help keep us safe. 

However, if left unchecked, it can become overwhelming and lead to feelings of anxiety.

Because of that, you may develop some common Physical symptoms.

From the list of common physical symptoms, identify your symptoms in order to develop strategies to address them.

Physical symptoms:

Do these sound similar to yours?

  • Feelings of dread or panic before speaking
  • Difficulty concentrating or staying focused
  • Increased heart rate or sweating
  • Feeling nauseous or lightheaded
  • Trembling or shaking
  • Dry mouth
  • Avoiding public speaking situations
  • Difficulty sleeping before public speaking engagements

When trying to identify your fears, ask yourself two questions:

  1. Why do you feel scared or anxious?
  2. What triggers those feelings?

Below is a list of very common fears. Identify your fears.

Common Fears:

Are they similar to yours?

  1. Fear of standing in front of crowd
  2. Fear of being judged or evaluated
  3. Fear of embarrassment
  4. Fear of making mistakes
  5. Fear of being criticized
  6. Fear of being laughed at
  7. Fear of not knowing what to say
  8. Fear of looking foolish
  9. Fear of rejection
  10. Fear of unknown

Once you have identified your fears, it’s time to start developing strategies to overcome them.

Strategies to address your fears:

  1. Gradual Exposure Technique

One of the most famous and commonly helpful techniques for all these fears

This involves exposing yourself to the situation that causes you fear in small, manageable doses. 

For example:

If you have a fear of standing in front of a crowd, start by talking to a few people in a small group before gradually increasing the size of the group.

  1. Break down your fears

It can also be helpful to break down your fears into smaller, more manageable parts. 

For example:

If you have a fear of public speaking, break it down into separate components, such as 

  • Writing a speech
  • Practicing your speech by yourself
  • Then, in front of a mirror,
  • Then in front of family or friends
  • And finally, actually giving the presentation

By breaking it down into small steps, it can be easier to tackle each one and make progress.

  1. Focus on positive self-talk

Positive self-talk is a powerful tool that can be used to boost self-esteem, create a sense of self-efficacy, and increase motivation. 

Here are Five pieces of advice that I feel are very important to share with you:

  1. Avoid comparing yourself to others.
  2. Believe in yourself and your abilities if you want to be confident.
  3. Always focus on the positive aspects of the situation.
  4. Remind yourself that everyone has the right to express their opinion.
  5. Acknowledge your successes and the progress you’ve made.

Positive self-talk helps to reduce anxiety, stress, and negative thoughts.  This can be very beneficial for boosting your public speaking confidence.

Here are some examples of positive self-talk, but you can use them in your own way and make the most of them.

10 powerful positive self-talk examples:

1. I am confident and capable of delivering a successful presentation.

2. I am proud of myself for having the courage to speak in public.

3. I am comfortable and at ease when speaking in front of a group.

4. I am capable of inspiring my audience with my words and ideas.

5. I am a skilled and effective communicator.

6. I am confident in my abilities to engage and captivate my audience.

7. I am strong and courageous when I speak in public.

8. I am capable of overcoming any challenge that I face while speaking in public.

9. I am brave and determined to speak my truth.

10. I am an engaging and powerful public speaker.

  1. Seek out support

Seeking out support from friends and family can be helpful. Talking to someone about your fears and anxieties can be a great way to gain perspective and feel less alone.

You may also want to read: How to overcome shyness in public speaking.

Step 2: Practice Speaking

Some say, “Practice makes perfect,” and some say, “Practice makes permanent.” Both are true.

So if you want to become a confident speaker, it’s essential to practice. 

There will be a much higher level of confidence if you responsibly follow the instructions given below.

Are you still wandering about, What to practice and How to practice?

The following steps have magical results. If you are shy or an introvert, you may feel uncomfortable in some of these, but remember, you have to put in some extra effort to get some extra reward.

Steps to ensure a successful presentation:

  1. Make sure you have collected all the required data about the topic, which is in your hand in form of written speech.
  2. Find a quiet space where you can practice without any distractions. Make sure you’re comfortable in the space that you choose and that you have all the materials you need.
  3. Visualize yourself on stage and start speaking.
  4. You may feel uncomfortable at first, but you have to force yourself to continue speaking again and again until you get comfortable.
  5. Now move in front of a mirror. Make eye contact with yourself and repeat step 4.
  6. When you’re practicing, take your time. Don’t rush through your speech, and make sure to enunciate your words clearly.
  7. Focus on your body language. Your body language can make a big difference in how confident you appear when speaking. Make sure to stand up straight, use hand gestures, and make eye contact.
  8. It seems you have prepared your speech, but there is still an important step left, which is; Record yourself. It will help you identify areas where you need to improve. Listen to the recordings and take notes on what you can do differently.
  9. Another important technique is to give your speech or presentation in front of family or friends and ask for feedback. This will help you identify areas where you can improve and give you an idea of how you’re doing.
  10. Rehearse your speech or presentation multiple times before you give it.

Yes, you have done this. You are fully prepared now. 

What you have to do next is:

Just Visualize yourself giving a successful speech. Before you give your speech, take a few minutes to close your eyes and imagine yourself giving a successful speech. It will help you calm your nerves and raise your confidence to the next level.

With these tips, you can practice speaking and become a more confident speaker. 

With dedication and hard work, you can become the confident, powerful speaker you want to be.

Step 3: Engage with Audience

An effective public speaker has the ability to captivate their audience with their words and engage them in meaningful dialogue. This can be achieved by using a variety of techniques to engage with the audience. 

Techniques to engage with the audience:

We will discuss five actionable techniques along with practical examples.

1. Ask Questions:

One of the most effective ways to engage with your audience 

It allows you to get a better understanding of the needs and interests of the audience, and it helps to create a more interactive and engaging atmosphere. 

Make sure to ask open-ended questions that require more than a yes-or-no answer.

What types of questions can I ask?

Here are five examples. You can transform according to your audience or situation.

  1. What do you think of the topic we are discussing?
  1. What was the most interesting or surprising thing you heard?
  1. What specific applications can you take away from this discussion?
  1. What questions do you have about the topic?
  1. What other topics would you like to hear about?

2. Use Visual Aids:

Visual aids such as pictures, videos, and slideshows can be used to create a more engaging and memorable presentation. Visual aids can help to illustrate points more clearly and make the speech more interesting for the audience.

3. Incorporate Humor:

A great way to engage with an audience. It can help to lighten the mood and make the speech more enjoyable and entertaining. However, it’s important to be careful not to offend anyone with your jokes.

Examples of humor to engage an audience:

  1. Self-deprecating humor – It is when you poke fun at yourself. You can make light of your mistakes or shortcomings to get a chuckle from the audience.
  1. Jokes – The most common type of humor used in public speaking. Use a joke that is appropriate for your audience and topic to get a laugh.
  1. Pop culture references – Using references to popular culture can often be funny and engaging for the audience.
  1. Silly stories – Tell a funny story from your own experience or use an anecdote to get the audience laughing.
  1. Visual jokes – Using visuals such as pictures, videos, or props can add a humorous element to your presentation.

4. Tell Stories:

People are naturally drawn to stories, and they can help bring your points to life. Try to incorporate stories into your speech that are relevant to your topic and that your audience can relate to.

Make a little effort to search for stories related to your topic

5. Use Examples:

Examples provide concrete evidence and help to illustrate a point in a more vivid manner. Try to use examples that are relevant to the topic and that the audience can easily relate to.

By implementing these techniques, you can effectively engage with your audience and make your public speaking more memorable and successful.

Step 4: Prepare for Unexpected Situations

Performing on stage can be a daunting experience, especially when you are unprepared for the unexpected. However, with the right preparation, you can handle any situation that comes your way. 

Tips to help you prepare for unexpected situations on stage:

Use these tips to handle any unexpected situation.

1. Control Your Emotions: 

Before you take the stage, practice controlling your emotions. 

How can I control my emotions?

  1. Take a few minutes to take a few deep breaths and calm yourself before you go on stage.
  2. Close your eyes and visualize yourself delivering a great speech and receiving a positive response from the audience.
  3. Speak positive affirmations to yourself out loud or in your head to remind yourself of your abilities.
  4. 1. I am confident and capable of speaking to this audience.
    2. I have the power to engage and inspire this audience.
    3. I am knowledgeable and passionate about this topic.
    4. I am excited to share my message with this audience.
    5. I have the ability to make a difference for this audience.

These tips will definitely help you control your emotions and recharge you from the inside.

2. Anticipate Potential Questions: 

It’s always wise to anticipate potential questions from your audience. 

But the question is, 

Where to take questions and how to prepare?

  1. When you do research on your topic, you can collect many related questions.
  2. When you do research about your audience, many related questions arise.
  3. Ask colleagues who have experience with public speaking to provide you with potential questions that you may be asked.
  4. Additionally, read the news and stay informed about current events.

Practice responding to these questions to ensure that you are prepared.

3. Prepare to Handle Criticism: 

Remember! There will always be people who will criticize your performance, but it’s important to remain positive and take their comments in stride. 

Remind yourself that you are there to do your best and that any criticism is simply a part of the process.

Five actionable ways to handle criticism:

  1. Always remember! Never become defensive and don’t take the criticism personally
  2. Remain calm and listen to the criticism carefully as feedback
  3. Thank the person for their input and be appreciative of their opinion
  4. Ask at least one question to clarify the criticism and gain a better understanding
  5. Take the criticism with a positive attitude and use it to improve

It is important to keep in mind that criticism can be a valuable tool to help improve performance.

By preparing for unexpected situations, you can make sure that your performance on stage is a success.


After reading this four-step actionable masterpiece, you can conclude it as follows:

To be a confident public speaker, I have learned that confidence is key to delivering an effective speech. 

It is essential to be comfortable in front of an audience.

Being confident in one’s own words and delivery will allow for a better connection with the audience.

I have also learned that preparation is paramount to delivering a successful speech.

Preparing beforehand by researching the topic, writing the speech, and rehearsing it out loud will help ensure that the speech is well-structured and flows smoothly.

One of the most important things I have learned is that it is important to be flexible and adaptive when giving a speech. 

No matter how much you prepare, things can go wrong, and you must be prepared to think on your feet and adjust your speech accordingly.

Finally, I have learned that it is important to be engaging. Making eye contact, using body language, and reinforcing points with visuals or stories can help keep an audience engaged.

Overall, being a confident public speaker requires practice but is an invaluable skill to have.

With the right preparation and practice, anyone can become a confident public speaker.
