Morning Meeting Greetings (30 Experimental Ideas)

Are you looking for some fun ideas to greet your students in the morning meetings in the classroom? We bring your search to an end with these fun and creative ideas that you can try out in your classroom. You can start your day in a great and energetic way. Try our ideas and take your class learning environment to the next level.

Benefits of Morning Meeting Greetings

It wouldn’t be wrong if you said that morning greetings are a cornerstone of building a positive classroom culture.

  • A friendly greeting strengthens the spirit of love and respect in each other’s hearts, which fosters a sense of sympathy and community.
  • This routine helps cultivate an environment where students feel valued and respected, which is crucial for their emotional and social development.
  • When students exchange greetings, they establish personal connections and strengthen their bonds.
  • Morning meeting greetings breed a sense of belonging between the students and teachers
  • This sense of belonging then gradually transforms into a classroom community
  • If students are greeted warmly, the chances of them developing a positive attitude to face the day’s challenges with strength and courage are greatly increased.
  • Morning meeting greetings can be very effective in students’ social-emotional learning. This is because students learn from them how to express themselves well and understand others’ feelings well.

From the above, it is clear that if you devote a little time to including them in your routine, it will help your children develop their intellectual, emotional, moral, social, and communication skills along with education.

Related article: 17 Specially Designed Communication Activities for Teens in 2024

30 Morning meeting greetings (Fun and creative ideas)

  1. World Explorer: This idea involves greetings in different languages. That is, children can start their morning by saying “Guten Morgen” in German or “Bonjour” in French. This can spark curiosity about the world.
  1. Weather Reporter: Students greet each other with ‘Good morning’ and use weather metaphors to describe their feelings, such as “I’m feeling as bright as the sun today!”
  1. Compliment Chain: Complement is one of the best elements for a positive classroom environment. Each student turns to their neighbor and says something like, “You have a great smile!”
  1. Emoji Exchange: Students pick an emoji that represents their morning mood and explain why, for example, “I chose the starry-eyed emoji because I woke up excited about our field trip!”
  1. Nature Nods: This greeting includes an element of playfulness. Students greet each other with the animal sounds they like best, such as “roar like a tiger” or “chirp like a bird,” etc.
  1. Time Traveler: Students greet each other, saying, “Good morrow to thee,” as if they were from Shakespeare’s time.

Related article: 60 Morning meeting questions to set a positive tone for the day

  1. Superhero Salute: Students stand up and strike a superhero pose with a verbal greeting such as “Good morning, fellow superheroes!” or “Greetings, heroes of the day!”
  1. Musical Melody: The class chooses a short, catchy tune or song to greet each other with. Children sing or hum the melody, making eye contact and exchanging smiles with their fellows.
  1. Colorful Hello: Wearing a vibrant color, a student says,” Good morning!” and shares, “I’m red today because I feel strong and confident!”
  1. Secret Handshake: Partners might create a handshake and say, “Good morning, partner—!”
  1. Historical Hello: Each student pretends to be a famous historical figure they know something about. For example, one student greets the class with, “I am ‘Cleopatra,’ welcoming you to a day of discovery!”
  1. Space Salutation: A student could say, “Greetings, Earthlings, I come in peace from the planet of knowledge!”
  1. Mystery Mime: A student might act out opening a book and say, “Can you guess which activity I’m miming?”
  1. Poetic Praise: Sharing a short verse, a student might say, “Roses are red, violets are blue; I’m glad to spend another day with you!”
  1. Fitness Five: Leading a simple stretch, a student might say, “Let’s reach for the sky and greet the day with energy!”
  1. Riddle Reveal: Presenting a riddle, a student might greet with, “What has to be broken before you can use it? A smile to start our day!”

In the morning meeting, the teacher standing in front of the students, and they are greeting each other enthusiastically with smiling faces.

  1. Dreamy Hello: Sharing a dream, a student might say, “I dreamt I was a pilot, soaring high—may all our dreams take flight today!”
  1. Puzzle Piece: Each student adds a word to build a sentence, saying, “Together, we create stories of our shared experiences.”
  1. Gratitude Gesture: Expressing thanks, a student might say, “Good morning, fellows!” and then “I’m grateful for my friends here, who make every day brighter!”
  1. Silent Smile: Greeting with a smile, a student makes eye contact, and eyes convey, “A smile says a thousand words and starts our day with warmth.”
  1. Bookish Beginnings: Quoting a book, a student might share, “As Dumbledore said, ‘Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times.’”
  1. Whisper Wave: Whispering a greeting, a student might start with, “Let’s pass around a wave of whispers to share our morning cheer.”
  1. High-Five Hive: Buzzing like bees, students might give air high-fives and say, “Let’s pollinate the room with high-fives and positive vibes!” 
  1. Giggle Greet: Telling a joke, a student might say, “Why don’t we write with broken pencils? Because it’s pointless—just like starting a day without laughter!”
  1. Wacky Walk: Entering with a silly walk, a student might say, “Let’s strut into the day with our unique styles!”
  1. Kindness Compliment: Offering a kind word, a student might say, “You’re amazing at math, and I admire your skills!”
  1. Echo Greeting: Calling out “Good morning, everyone!” and having it echoed back creates a ripple effect of greetings, symbolizing the interconnectedness of the class.
  1. Puppet Pal: All students take turns and say, in their own words, “Hello, friends! Let’s make today fantastic!”
  1. Celebrity Shoutout: Imitating a celebrity, a student might greet with, “In the words of Oprah, ‘Cheers to a new day of opportunities!’”
  1. Magic Moment: Performing a simple trick, a student might say, “Abracadabra! May our day be filled with magical moments of learning and friendship!”

These ideas aim to start each day with a positive, engaging, and supportive atmosphere, enhancing the social-emotional development of students.

For your convenience, we have compiled our best handpicked ideas in the form of a PDF file, which you can download for free from here.

Tips for Implementing Morning Meeting Greetings

Try the ideas above to make your and your students’ mornings the best they can be. Incorporate these morning meeting greetings into your routine.

But how? Because repeating something over and over again can go two ways. Either it becomes a habit of a person and then he continues to do it.

On the other hand, doing something again and again makes a person sick. But yes, for that, you are given some suggestions and practical tips below. The point is, if the thing is made interesting in some way, then it becomes easier to do it and to keep doing it.

  • Keep the greetings fresh by rotating through different types each week.
  • Set rules for the greetings, for example, no running or shouting during the greetings.
  • Allow students to come up with their own greeting ideas.
  • As the teacher, facilitate students on how to perform each greeting.
  • Greetings are just one part of the meeting, so they should be quick to allow time for other activities.
  • Praise students for good greetings.
  • Be ready to simplify or modify greetings for younger children or those with special needs.

Happy teaching!


Incorporating morning meeting greetings into your classroom routine is more than just a ritual.

In this blog post, we’ve explored thirty fun and unique ideas for morning meeting greetings and their benefits, from establishing a positive classroom culture to promoting social-emotional learning and communication skills.

Set yourself as an example to your children. They will try to copy you, and what they see you do will automatically become ingrained in their minds, and this is a fact.

By implementing our morning meeting greeting ideas as a consistent and valued part of your daily routine, you can create a classroom culture where students feel seen, heard, and empowered to learn and grow together.

Thank you for reading our article here. Give us your valuable feedback and suggestions, and let us know in the comment section which idea you liked the most that you applied in your class. If you have any ideas in mind, you can share them with us, and we will add them to our list.

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