Conflict resolution for kids (+ free printable worksheets)

Two small kids; brother and sister are smiling and looking happy after resolving conflict

Conflicts are a real part of human life; they are a fact, and we have to live by accepting this fact. So why not learn conflict resolution skills? Even in the daily lives of children, small quarrels are scattered, and they need conflict resolution skills. Childhood is the best time to learn skills. As teachers … Read more

5 Focused Conflict Resolution Worksheets For Teens

Conflict resolution worksheets specially designed to resolve teenage conflicts

Conflicts are scattered around us wherever we live and are present in our lives in one form or another. If this is indeed the reality, then why shouldn’t we learn how to resolve them? Yes, absolutely, and in the teenage years, the importance of these social skills increases even more.  These conflict resolution worksheets simplify … Read more

14 Focused Conflict resolution activities for teens

Photo of two smiling teenagers shaking hands, symbolizing successful conflict resolution activities for teens

Resolution of what? Conflict! It means conflicts occur in our lives. That’s why we learn how to resolve it. The problem is the only reason for the solution to exist. If you don’t face a problem, you find the solution to what? If there is no night, what does the day mean? So, conflicts are … Read more

Conflict resolution for teens (Practical Tips)

Teenagers engaging in conflict resolution dialogue

We are humans and have emotions. It is the beauty of this universe that we have different natures. Sometimes two humans have two different and opposite views on a single point—it happens to everyone, even teens. Teens can face issues with friends about plans and sometimes with family about rules at home.  Or they can … Read more