Conversation starters for teens (Let’s talk confidently)

Two teen girls sitting on the floor and talking to each other with smiling face

When a child is young, he does not think about what I am saying before he speaks. Whether it is wrong or right, he speaks. But as he grows up, he slowly develops a sense of “what to say, what not to say, and where to be silent. These things may be due to the … Read more

How to be a confident speaker ( in 4-actionable-steps)

How to be a confident speaker( image from Pixabay)

Do you have the courage to learn from your mistakes? If not, develop it. “Only the Knights fall on the battlefield; why would a child, who walks on his knees, fall?” We are going to discuss our four-step formula for how to be a confident speaker. That will cover everything you want to know. But … Read more

13 Exciting Teenage Confidence Building Activities

Teenage confidence building activities (image from Pixabay)

Are you looking for some creative and fun activities to boost your teen’s self-esteem? These activities are focused on and designed to build trust and belief in your teen’s own abilities and capabilities. Confidence is the trust and belief that someone has in their own abilities and capabilities. Self-confidence is the main activator of self-assurance; … Read more

How to overcome shyness in public speaking; (16 simple strategies)

How to overcome shyness in public speaking, (Image from Pixabay)

If you are wondering for how to overcome shyness in public speaking then have a look at the following things. Are they seem familiar to you…? “I dislike being observed by others, taking the stage in front of others, speaking in front of a large audience, and speaking in front of a crowd that is … Read more